
Cleavers Edge is a proudly owned home-kill processing facility.
We pride ourselves on great customer service, allowing the customer to extract maximum value from their most prized possession. Our website is user-friendly and well suited to our operation allowing clients to peruse, follow the prompts and submit detailed cutting instructions for their meat.


The food service market is a competitive, large and a growing market. We are a dual operator backed by a food safety program with the aim of providing a quality product to the discerning client. We offer a quality product at our most competitive price.

Should you have any enquiries, feel free to contact us via email, phone-call, text or any of our social media handles which include the following:


We have an active Facebook page with post updates every Monday and Thursday so please like and follow our page.


Our Cleavers Edge Instagram page is full of recipes and fun ideas to tantalize the taste buds, we love creating delicious meals using various meats that target the foodie in you.